The Baumgarten Report

Taking The News To A Higher Level

Archive for October 4th, 2008

Debate – Bailout Discussed On News Talk Online On Paltalk

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Friday’s News Talk Online on focused on the top two stories of the day, the vice-presidential debate and the House passage of the Wall Street bailout plan.

Many callers felt both Sarah Palin and Joe Biden made excellent points during the debate. Though some Republicans accused Biden of lying and some Democrats (and others) pointed out that Palin declined to answer some of the questions posed to her, electing instead to talk about topics she wanted to raise.

A CNN analysis about the debate found that both candidates made misleading or untrue statements, and predicted there will be a lot more of that between now and election day.

The bailout passage was applauded by some, decried by others. But even if one favored a package to help Wall Street, the pork that was stuffed into the bill was distasteful at best (money for wooden arrows and NASCAR for example). Those who voted yes should be expected to explain that portion of the bill to their constituents as they return to their home districts for the election recess.

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