The Baumgarten Report

Taking The News To A Higher Level

Archive for October 2nd, 2008

New Timetable For World Trade Center Redevelopment

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Freedom Tower – New Delays

Reeling under criticism of slow progress, the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey has issued a new timetable for rebuilding of the World Trade Center site.

The Port Authority now says that the anchor for the site, One World Trade Center, better known as the Freedom Tower, will be completed in 2013 at a projected final cost of more than $3 billion, more than what was originally budgeted, mainly due to the addition of a second observation desk. It was originally anticipated that the Freedom Tower would be completed in 2009.

The World Trade Center Memorial Plaza, which relatives of those who died during the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks have been pushing for completion, will be largely done, the Port Authority says, by the 10th anniversary of the attacks. Include will be the inscriptions of the names of all those who died in that attack and those who were killed in the first attack on the site on February 26, 1993. The underground museum portion of the project won’t be completed until 2013, coinciding with the opening of the Freedom Tower.

The massive World Trade Center transportation hub is also now scheduled for completion later that year or early in 2014. The cost of the hub actually slightly exceeds the cost of the construction of the Freedom Tower.

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Palin Stumbles Again

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Tonight brings the much-anticipated debate between Republican vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin and her Democratic opponent Joe Biden. And, once again, in an interview with CBS’ Katie Couric, Palin has stumbled.

In precursor interviews with both candidates, Couric ask each to cite one decision the U.S. Supreme Court has made, other than Roe v. Wade, that they disagreed with.

Biden immediately cited the Violence Against Women’s Act, which he introduced, which would allow women who were victimized by crimes to sue their attackers. The Supreme Court overturned portions of that law.

Palin couldn’t think of one solitary high court decision, other than Roe v. Wade, that she disagreed with. Not a single one in the history of the United States.

As she has prepared for tonight’s debate, Palin has been calling conservative radio talk shows to attack the mainstream media. Saying that she’s looking forward to addressing the American people tonight without being “filtered” by the mainstream news media.

But if her past performances in interviews with Couric are any indication, Palin won’t then have an excuse for not knowing the issues. She has to ace this debate. Or she will be a heavy rock around John McCain’s neck. Pulling him under the political waters. Sinking his run for the presidency.

The upcoming vice-presidential debate will be one of the issues discussed at 5 PM New York time today on News Talk Online on CLICK HERE to join in the conversation.

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Biden On Eggshells

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Cautious debater

Cautious debater

Editor’s note: The following analysis was written by guest host Dan Warner

Is it possible that the much more experienced in world affairs Joe Biden enters tomorrow’s vice-presidential debate with Sarah Palin disadvantaged?

That was the concenseus expressed during tonight’s News Talk Online on

Many callers said Biden must be careful to debate Palin without offending women. Several suggested that he must be careful to not “slap her down.”

But some callers, women mainly, felt that she should be challenged directly because to tread lightly would be demeaning to women.

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Republican presidential candidate John McCain’s age and his health were raised as issues as well.

Making his choice of a running mate far more critical than Barack Obama’s.

Palin’s demeanor during the debate was also discussed. Some callers felt that she had to show that she’s really serious, and not just a bubbly deferential figure.

They also felt that Palin’s strong point is energy. Biden’s foreign policy issues.

Several women expressed the view that the vote should not be based on gender. They said they will not vote for McCain simply because Palin is a woman.

Of course, the nation might not be in this political mess had the Republicans nominated Ron Paul and the Democrats Bill Richardson, clearly, in my view, the best candidates during the primary process representing their respective parties.

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