The Baumgarten Report

Taking The News To A Higher Level

Posts Tagged ‘assassination plot

Little Difference Between Obama And McCain

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I may have alienated both Barack Obama and John McCain supporters during today’s News Talk Online on But I concluded that, not only are the claims that Obama’s tax plan makes him a socialist overblown, but there’s relatively little difference between his and McCain’s.

We played Obama’s discussion with “Joe The Plumber.” Then we went back to what McCain was saying in 2000 about taxation. I didn’t hear much of a difference between them.

So that begs the question. Which plan does McCain really support? The one he proposed eight years ago? Or the one that’s become a staple of this campaign?

He’s not the only one who has “flipped” or “evolved” on the issues, of course. The first and only goal is to get elected. Say whatever you think will propel you into office. Figure out the rest after Election Day.

As we went to air, the news of the plot to kill Obama and more than 100 black Americans broke. So I’d like to make mention of the fine job the ATF did in thwarting the plot.

It reminds us, as we were in 1995 when the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building was bombed in Oklahoma City that not all terrorists are foreign born.

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